Is it possible to consent after taking alcohol or drugs?

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Are you wondering if consent is still valid when you've used alcohol or drugs? The answer is yes, of course! Learn more here.

Consent isn’t valid if you’ve been drinking or drugging. However, you might feel like you can consent, because the effects of alcohol and drugs affect our thought processes and our judgment. Alcohol (or drugs) and sex don’t go well together. When we’ve been drinking or taking drugs, it’s harder to remember values and limits… and it’s even harder to explain them and make other people respect them. Ideally, it’s best to avoid having sex with someone who’s been drinking or drugging. If one of the people involved realizes he/she has done things he/she didn’t want to do, he/she can press charges. As well, it’s much better to share the moment with someone who’ll remember it… and to remember it yourself!