In a nother world



elle/il·16 ans


So I have this problem that when I get anxious, my finger will start taping in a surface and that when it stops brutally, that means I zoned out. I'm in a nother world and they only way to get me back on earth is to put pressure on my hand or shoulder. And it takes me about half an hour to come back to reality.


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    RoseSympathique7 alltheme

    Ado TJ·elle/elle·17 ans


    Hi @CasouletÉpanoui2 ,

    Hope you are feeling better.

    I know this must be really hard for you to handle. The zone out thing is a hard challenge for everyone that lives it.

    I would like to say that I am super proud of you for coming here to talk about it. Know that you aren't alone through that and it's possible to learn to control it.

    Do you think it would be a great idea if you try to talk to someone for this? I'm pretty sure you could get some help or tips from friends who understand that too.

    If I was you, I would try to always have something in my hands.

    Hope this helps! We're here if you need anything ;)


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    SoleilSportive11 alltheme

    Ado TJ·elle/elle·18 ans


    Hey @CasouletÉpanoui2 :)

    I hope that you are doing well.

    I understand where you are coming from and I see why you would be slightly worried that you zone for half-hour periods of time when you get anxious.

    Tapping with the fingers, and lightly tapping the foot on the ground are signs that someone is feeling anxious and the fact that you are able to recognize what you are feeling is already a big step in the right direction :)

    From what I understand, what you describe here seems to be a recurring thing, whereas you zone out frequently enough for you to think that it may be a problem.

    I see that you have a quick response meaning that when you feel anxious, you start tapping with your finger for some time. Although tapping with your finger may seem like a solution in the short term, I'd like to suggest you to try to approach the zoning-out time from a different perspective. For example, have you thought about seeking professional help? If the anxiety you feel becomes overwhelming or persistent, it may be a good idea to talk to someone about it. Sometimes, it can happen that we bottle up so many feelings inside without talking about them. They later can feel like a heavy weight on our shoulders, potentially causing anxiety or bringing other consequences.

    If coming back to reality requires you to put some pressure on your hand or shoulder, then you could continue this gesture since it seems to help you. Since the gesture does not seem to cause you harm, from what I read, I think the best would be to look more closely into what's in your thoughts, and your mind, when such zoning-out times happen. Again, I must say that a professional could give you a big hand in help. They can help assess your situation, provide a proper diagnosis if it's applicable, and suggest appropriate coping strategies. It's worth a try!

    It is not uncommon for anyone to experience zoning out or daydreaming, especially during moments of stress or anxiety. It kind of is like a natural response to stress. Yet, zoning out for an extended period of time like 30 minutes can be slightly concerning.

    To be honest, I am nowhere near a professional as of right now. I think it's important to remember and understand that everyone experiences anxiety in a different way.

    I'd like to add something on top of what I said. I think it's important for you to remember to take care of yourself because you deserve to :) Really! Have you considered taking walks out in nature during summertime and later as well? I think that it would be a good idea to take some time for yourself, even if it's for short periods of time.

    Plus, I have heard that 30 min-ish of sunlight can improve someone's mood :) So why not try, right? I think it could maybe help slightly reduce the anxious feeling that seems to happen multiple times.

    Now, take care and don't hesitate to write again on the Forum TJ. We're all happy to help!

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    Çela fait à peut près 4 ans que je m’automutile. Au début c’était avec mes ongles, puis des ciseaux et maintenant une lame.

    Je ne le fais pas toujours au sang et jamais profond, mais j’essai le plus possible d’arrêter, malgré cela, ça ne change pas que des fois je le fais quand même.

    J’ai besoin d’aide, car quand je réalise ce que j’ai fait, j’ai toujours peur d’avoir des infections même si je désinfecte la lame et la blessure

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    Jouet sexuel quand on est mineur

    Y-a-t-il une facon de se procurer un jouet sexuel pour homme quand on est mineur?

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    Automutilation 🖤

    Bonjour à tous ! J'ai eu 14 tout récemment. Depuis plusieurs année j'ai comme moyen de "déstressant" (Je ne sais pas si ça ce dit 😅) de me gratter au sang ou de me cogner contre un mur... J'avais toujours eux peur de passer à l'acte avec une lame par peur de me faire TROP mal. Un soir j'ai eu une sorte de pression énorme et je n'ai pas pue m'en empêcher. J'ai chercher ce qui pourrais être coupant et j'y suis aller. Je me sentait tellement mieux mais la peur a repris le dessus et j'ai paniquer. C'était un samedi et le vendredi prochain nous nous envolions vers punta cana. (short,chandail court) bref depuis je n'en peut plus, j'ai promis d'arrêter après que mes parents l'aille vue mais j'en suis incapable. Sachant que rien ne va en ce moment (Tca, trouble de l'anxiété, mal être) j'aimerais savoir si d'autre personne était dans le même bateaux et souhaitant me raconter son parcours et comment ,si c'est le cas, s'en est sorti! Merci beaucoup d'avoir lue et de me permettre de m'en sortir !

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    il/lui·16 ans

    Allo je croie que je suis bi mais jveut pas le dire à tout le monde est ce que il a des place au Sag

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